Post by isabella marie swan on May 28, 2009 20:56:06 GMT
FACE CLAIM! claim a face here! post both in and out of code don't post until you've been accepted! play-bys are listed by first name. kthxbai [/color] ABCDEF GHIJKL MNOPQ RSTUV WXY+Z [center][size=1][b][img]100x100 icon[/img] [color=BLACK][color=mediumvioletred for girls dodgerblue forguys]celebrity name all lowercase[/color] looks just like [color=mediumvioletred for girls dodgerblue forguys]character name[/color]![/b][/size][/color][/center] this here face claim belongs to lira aka la la lira! of blank pages. if you steal it, she'll personally come looking for you with an icepick and violently tap on your head like a crazed woodpecker. good? kthxbai